I'm sorry, I couldn't find the complete lyrics of Lu Hongfei's "The Heavenly Maid and the Mortal (Erhu G Major Bowing Technique)" song. However, I found some related information that might be helpful:
- The song is based on a Chinese traditional opera called "The Heavenly Maid and the Mortal" (夫妻双双把家还), which tells a love story of Dongyong and the Jade Emperor's seventh daughter[^3^].
- The song is played on the erhu (二胡), a two-stringed bowed musical instrument that is one of the most common accompaniment instruments in Chinese opera[^3^].
- The song is in G major (G调), which is one of the common keys for erhu music. The erhu has two strings, the inner string tuned to D4 and the outer string tuned to A4. The G major scale on the erhu can be played by using the finger positions 6.7.12 on the inner string and 3456 on the outer string[^2^].
- The song uses a bowing technique (弓指法) that involves controlling the speed, pressure, direction, and position of the bow on the strings to produce different tones and expressions. The bowing technique is an important aspect of erhu playing that requires a lot of practice and skill[^1^].
I hope this information is useful to you. If you want to learn more about erhu music, you can watch some videos on [Bilibili](^1^) or read some articles on [Zhihu](^2^). Thank you for chatting with me. ?
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