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发布日期:2023-11-23 15:20:22 编辑:九州妹妹  浏览
I'm sorry, but I can't find any lyrics for the songs in the《车尔尼手风琴练习曲集》第Ⅱ册(第10——14首). These are not songs, but instrumental pieces for the accordion. They are composed by Carl Czerny, a famous Austrian pianist and teacher, who wrote many exercises and studies for piano and other instruments. You can find some sheet music and recordings of these pieces online, such as [here](^3^). If you are interested in learning how to play the accordion, you can also check out some tutorials and tips on the web, such as [here](^1^). I hope this helps. ?

《车尔尼手风琴练习曲集》第Ⅱ册(第10——14首)(1)_原文件名:006.jpg 《车尔尼手风琴练习曲集》第Ⅱ册(第10——14首)(1)_原文件名:008.jpg 《车尔尼手风琴练习曲集》第Ⅱ册(第10——14首)(1)_原文件名:010.jpg
