I'm sorry, I couldn't find the complete lyrics of "美酒加咖啡" by 上宫月 in both simple and staff notation for flute. However, I found some web search results that might be helpful for you to learn more about staff notation and how to read it. Here are some of them:
- [Five-line notation symbols explained | Practical collection - Zhihu](^1^): This article explains the various symbols and signs used in staff notation, such as rests, repeats, dynamics, articulations, and tempo. It also provides some examples and illustrations to help you understand them better.
- [Why is staff notation more popular internationally than simple notation? - Zhihu](^2^): This article discusses the differences and advantages of staff notation over simple notation, such as the ability to represent different pitches, rhythms, and expressions more accurately and consistently. It also traces the historical development of staff notation and its influence on music theory and composition.
- [Reading music theory #5 - Staff notation modes and key recognition skills - Zhihu](^3^): This article introduces the concept of modes and keys in staff notation, and how to identify them by using clefs, key signatures, and accidentals. It also gives some tips and tricks to memorize the names and positions of the notes on the staff.
I hope these resources can help you learn more about staff notation and how to read it. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me. ?
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- 苗乡情(笛子独奏)
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- 幽思(中国第一大笛独白)
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