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发布日期:2023-11-24 00:39:44 编辑:九州妹妹  浏览
I'm sorry, I could not find the lyrics of "芝水秀川(埙独奏曲)" by 石正军 in my web search results. The closest matches I found are:

- 国际歌歌词(完整版) - 知乎[^1^], a column article that provides the complete lyrics of the Internationale, a famous socialist anthem.
- Ting Wo Shuo Xie Xie Ni 听我说谢谢你 Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Li Xin Rong 李欣融[^2^], a pop song by a Chinese singer that expresses gratitude and love to someone.
- Love Story—Taylor Swift 中英歌词 - 知乎[^3^], another column article that provides the Chinese and English lyrics of Love Story, a popular song by Taylor Swift.

Maybe you can try to search for the song title in English or use a different keyword. I hope this helps. ?

