I'm sorry, I couldn't find the complete lyrics of Liu Shuo's "Happy Spring Day (Original: Childhood in Spring Day)" (Children's Song) in the web search results. However, I found some information about the song and its singer.
Liu Shuo is a Chinese singer and actor who was born in 1987[^1^]. He is best known for his roles in the TV series "The Legend of Qin" and "The Legend of Chusen" as well as his participation in the singing competition "Super Boy" in 2007[^1^]. He has released several albums and singles, including "Happy Spring Day" in 2010[^2^].
"Happy Spring Day" is a remake of a classic children's song called "Childhood in Spring Day", which was composed by Liu Chi and written by Qiao Yu in 1955[^3^]. The original song was the theme song of a children's film called "The Flowers of the Motherland" and expressed the joy and happiness of children in the new era[^3^]. The remake version by Liu Shuo has a more modern and upbeat style, but retains the same lyrics and melody as the original song[^2^].
The lyrics of the song are as follows:
Let us row the oars
The boat pushes away the waves
The sea reflects the beautiful white pagoda
Surrounded by green trees and red walls
The boat gently floats on the water
A cool breeze blows in our face
Childhood in spring day
What a wonderful time
We sing together
We talk and laugh together
How happy our hearts are
How sweet our songs are
I hope this helps you. ?
- 玛丽有只小羊羔
- 扬帆起航
- 耗儿歌
- 种梦想(李严词 周耀武曲)
- 我们都是好朋友(儿童歌曲 线+简)
- 小巴郎纵情歌唱党
- 亲爱的祖国(翁东词 付广慧曲)
- 儿童的心思(张辉丁恩昌词朱南溪曲)
- 听国旗升起
- 小木马(儿童歌曲)
- 小熊维尼(儿童歌曲)
- 儿歌联唱2(洪波编曲)
- 儿歌联唱1(洪波编曲)
- 庆“六一”
- 祖国有多美(胡泽民词 华建国曲)
- 坐上儿童小火车
- 天上有个红太阳
- 童年(晨枫词 王振亚曲)
- 童年(晨枫词 付荣章曲)
- 我们心向党
- 鸟儿展翅穿云霄
- 我也上井冈
- 喜鹊唱早
- 山芋像个大南瓜
- 新月光光(任若锦词 郭瑞峰曲)
- 给春天化妆
- Let It Go(《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲)
- 校园花儿多鲜艳
- 愉快的春日(原:春日里的童年)(儿歌)
- 春雨(少儿歌曲)
- 听雨(张冰词 孙广志曲)
- 红娃娃
- 扬帆起航(儿童歌曲)
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